Accora Village

Customer-Focused Growth and Innovation Road Map

Key Outcomes
  1. Identified key moments of truth that will impact resident experience.  
  2. Developed a road map for technology investments and building a foundation for growth and innovation.  
  3. Established a framework for IT governance.
  4. Introduced the foundations of change management that will benefit future initiatives.  

Accora Village (Ferguslea corporation) is a full-service rental community with a vision to transform the traditional ‘buildings-first’ approach to property management to a digitally enabled, ‘resident-first’ approach. Differly was selected to build a resident-centric growth and innovation roadmap incorporating business and operational strategies to support improved resident experiences.

The work included:  

Defining and aligning on a cohesive ‘future-state’ vision of the resident experience 

  1. Conducted a current state of the technology strategy and the “tech stack”  
  2. Mapped key processes identifying gaps and opportunities to automate and digitize
  3. Developed a journey map of critical residence touchpoints and identified what an “ideal” experience might look like.  
  4. Collected resident feedback  
  5. Developed a multi-year roadmap from which to plan technology investments and build capabilities for growth and innovation.  
  6. Established governance practices for IT management and oversight. 
  7. Established a playbook for change management and readiness