Upcoming Panel: The Art of Member Retention

Drawing on innovation principles and our experience at Differly Inc. working with many associations as well as sports organizations and consumer groups, Isabelle will be exploring the parallels between what makes someone want to "join" and what makes someone want to be a "member", a "fan" or an "advocate".

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Differly’s new Innovation-as-a-Service Model

Differly has developed a new model we call Innovation-as-a-Service to shift how organizations approach innovation. We firmly believe that innovation should be the collective effort of every individual within an organization, transcending departmental boundaries and empowering teams to bring their best ideas to the forefront.

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Daniel Pilon, CPA, CA
Director, Membership, Finance and Operations
Canadian Institute of Actuaries

"Differly has been an exceptional partner in our business transformation strategy. They provided instrumental support with several of our strategic initiatives, including digital, member, and organizational performance. I would highly recommend working with Differly."

François robert
Executive Director, Partnerships
Canadian Paralympic Committee

"The team at Differly has been a valuable and collaborative partner in helping us develop a cohesive blueprint for growth and innovation – assessing how to better leverage digital channels, the power of content and storytelling and how to use digital technology for increased impact and value creation with our members, partners and stakeholders."

Angela Johnston
Content Management Officer
National Association of Federal Retirees 

"Differly was a wonderful partner in helping us uncover new growth opportunities. The team delivered a comprehensive yet pragmatic digital and member engagement roadmap, helping us determine which areas of innovation would be most impactful to the organization.  "

Dean Smith
Head of Operation
Canadian Dental Association

"Differly has been a true partner in the development of our technology and digital strategy. They also delivered a practical change playbook helping us to gain buy-in, manage resistance more effectively and increase our odds of success when embarking on large shifts across the organization."

Scott Lawrence
Chief Operating Officer
Health Craft Products Inc.

"Differly has brought experience, capacity, energy, and focus -what’s more, they became a true extension of our team. They helped us establish a modern marketing and sales organization and build the confidence to tackle not only what’s next but also what’s possible."

Alex Pandelidis
Manager, Customer Lifecycle Marketing
Royal Canadian Mint
The Differly team helped the Royal Canadian Mint (RCM) refine and advance its loyalty and customer lifecycle strategy at a critical moment for the team.

"Differly provided valuable insights on new opportunities for growth and how to execute against them. Working with Differly was a very positive and rewarding experience! "

Linda Ludwick
Executive Producer and CFO
Rezolution Pictures

"Our company, Rezolution Pictures, is in a high-growth phase. We chose to work with Differly to assess where and how we could leverage technology to enable our growth. The team provided thoughtful guidance and expert advice and we are now working together to implement parts of our road map. We would highly recommend them."

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