The Royal Canadian Mint

Master’s Club Loyalty Program Growth Strategy

Key Outcomes
  1. Supported the development of a multi-year Loyalty strategy and program with win-back, retention and growth strategies.  
  2. Improved reporting and KPI management practices.  
  3. Development of a new Loyalty Playbook for long-term success.  

The Differly team was retained by the Royal Canadian Mint to provide strategic direction, loyalty expertise and execution support for the revamped Master’s Club Loyalty Program.  

The work included:  

  1. The development of a comprehensive segmentation strategy to stimulate customer growth.
  2. Identifying key customer groups with growth potential.  
  3. Development of relevant messages and offers for these core groups of customers.  
  4. Identified opportunities for operational efficiencies and optimization: improved reporting and key performance tracking, established a suite of relevant performance metrics and an audience-centric reporting methodology and structure.  
  5. Developed a comprehensive Loyalty Playbook to serve as the Mint’s new framework for Loyalty management which includes:  

- New member acquisition and onboarding 

- How to “move the middle”; managing member and purchase growth, and tier progression 

- Retention – recognizing and retaining the best customers, minimizing churn 

- Win-back – targeting lost members for re-acquisition 

We also supported the development of a multi-year strategic roadmap for the program overall, as well as a readiness exercise for RCM’s new digital experience platform and updated CRM capabilities. 

The Differly team helped the Royal Canadian Mint (RCM) refine and advance its loyalty and customer lifecycle strategy at a critical moment for the team. Differly provided valuable insights on new opportunities for growth and how to execute against them. Working with Differly was a very positive and rewarding experience!

Alex Pandelidis Manager, Customer Lifecycle Marketing, Royal Canadian Mint