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May 24, 2023

My Takeways From The ESPNw Summit

It was inspiring to hear many of the new league leaders wanting to both leverage best practices and rethink traditional norms. Drawing on my 15+ years in and on the business side of sports, and as business owner, I've put together some of my key takeaways from the event.

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March 12, 2020

AI Is Not A Strategy

What is our AI strategy?" is a question I'm hearing all too often in recent months, prompting many well-intentioned individuals to scramble to identify a problem for AI to solve....

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Differly’s new Innovation-as-a-Service Model

Differly has developed a new model we call Innovation-as-a-Service to shift how organizations approach innovation. We firmly believe that innovation should be the collective effort of every individual within an organization, transcending departmental boundaries and empowering teams to bring their best ideas to the forefront.

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